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Ernest Lee
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Erotic dreams (19th Sep 23 at 11:27am UTC)
Hi! Write about your best erotic dream. I just write porn stories and I am interested in this topic.
Nicholas Bell
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Re: Erotic dreams (19th Sep 23 at 11:32am UTC)
As a lover of erotica, I also enjoy reading erotic short stories. It is not only the plot that matters to me, but also the quality of the writing. Erotica can be beautiful and passionate, and I look for just such works that can evoke deep emotions in me. I also adore the porn industry, I regularly watch porn videos here and it inspires me!
Ernest Lee
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Re: Erotic dreams (19th Sep 23 at 11:33am UTC)
Yes, the video especially turns on the imagination and allows you to delve into an erotic fantasy world, it's awesome!
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